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Design and Engineering Link 6.

link6meeting04082016St. Peters:---  On March 14th, 2013 the public biding took place for the "Design & Engineering" for the Link 6 road which will be connecting Dutch Quarter and Bethlehem via Mildrum road to South Reward and St. Peters with an intersection at the St. Dominic School located in South Reward.

Three companies submitted bids, namely Independent Consulting Engineers NV, Lievense Consulting Engineers N.V. and Energy Resource & Petroleum NV.

Base on the evaluation carried out by the Ministry of VROMI, the offers as submitted by Independent Consulting Engineers and Lievense Consulting Engineers were considered the most favorable bids.

The section of Bethlehem has been awarded to Lievense Consulting Engineers in the amount of Nafl. 198.500,- and the section of Mildrum road including the side roads has been awarded to Independent Consulting Engineers in the amount of Nafl. 202.000,-.

The contracts were signed off by the Minister of VROMI, Mr. Angel Meyers who consider this road a high priority in alleviating traffic on the island and creating alternative routes.

The sum amount of Nafl. 404.500,- was secured by Minister Meyers from the Capital Investment budget of 2016.

The design & Engineering works will be carried out over a period of 3 months after which the public bidding will start for the construction of the road.

In picture Minister Meyers is signing the contract with Mr. Jan Van den Eynde (Left) from Independent Consulting Engineers and from Lievense Consulting Engineers with Mr. Martin Vroegop.

This signing ceremony is being witnessed by Mr. Sandro Garcia, Executive Advisor to the Minister of VROMI and Mr. Kurt Ruan (right), head of the department of New Projects at the Ministry of VROMI.

General roadside cleanup.

roadsidecleanup04082016PHILIPSBURG:--- Honorable Minister Angel Meyers along with the Department of Infrastructure of the Ministry of VROMI assigned various companies to conduct one-timeline general cleaning of several main roads.

At present contractors are cleaning Airport Boulevard, Welfare road, Union road, A.J. Brouwers road, L.B. Scott road, Bush road and Link 1.

The Government decided to clean the roads that were in most dire need as the District Cleaning contracts haven’t been awarded yet which should be finalized within two weeks.

The completion of the District Cleaning Tender encountered a slight delay because Minister Meyers wanted to assure that the process was assessed in a transparent and fair manner which gave each bidder equal opportunity.

The Minister believes the public areas need to be kept in an acceptable condition to ensure a decent living environment for the general populous of Country Sint Maarten.

The District cleaning will include, cleaning and keeping clean of public areas in the districts such as secondary roads, tertiary roads, drives, alleys, squares, public schools, parks, beaches and cemeteries.

It also includes removing erosion materials in the districts, cutting, pruning, maintaining and collection of overgrown trees and bushes and reporting on short comings and damages pertaining the infrastructure in the districts.

Drug addict that drove away with police vehicle charged--- pretrial detention extended.

recapturedsuspect30072016PHILIPSBURG:--- The judge of instruction on Wednesday, August 3 granted the  prosecutor's request and remanded the suspect J.J.W. (32) to custody for eight (8) days. She is  suspected of attempted manslaughter, attempted aggravated assault, theft, resisting arrest, disobeying a direct order and destruction. J.J.W. was arrested on July 30th after a police patrol was sent to a fast food restaurant in Cole Bay in connection with complaints about a drug addict using drugs in the toilet of that establishment. Shortly after her arrest, the suspect managed to force herself through the small sliding glass window between the front and rear seat of the police car. She drove off with the vehicle despite orders of the police officers to stop, colliding with several other vehicles and forming a danger for persons in the area

Prosecutor Bulletin.

Asbestos issues at the Prins Willem Alexander School.

Will be handled by professionals prior to any demolition works been carried out.

PHILIPSBURG:--- During the “design & preparation” phase of the New Prins Willem Alexander School , it was made known that asbestos might be present in the existing structure, due to the fact that the school was constructed in the 1970’s in a time when the material was used widely around the world. Professionals
In order not to take any risks, an asbestos investigation was commissioned by Government and executed by Royal Haskoning DHV & Sanitas Milieukunding Adviesbureau BV from the Netherlands in March of 2015. The investigation brought forth the presence of asbestos in the roof guttering and wall paneling of several classrooms at the Prins Willem Alexander school.
However, it was indicated by the specialist from the Netherlands that the asbestos containing material is none-friable. Which means, the structure of which the asbestos is made up inside of the material will not be released unless damaged or tampered with as a result of reconstruction or demolition of the structure.
As the assignment for the construction of the New Prins Willem Alexander School has been awarded, it is a condition that the asbestos containing material will be removed prior to any demolition works been carried out at the school. This is a norm that is been upheld and is internationally applied once asbestos has been detected.
According to the standardize international norm for the removal of asbestos, this must be executed and removed by a firm that is specialize in the removal of asbestos taking the environmental and health issues into consideration. A firm specialized in the removal of asbestos internationally, is been assigned by Government and will be specifically flown in to St. Maarten, whereas the removal and the handling of the asbestos will be done accordingly in consideration with the logistics in and around the area, taking into considering the concerns of of all parties.
Removal of the asbestos will be done by containment and should take approximately one (1) week to complete. Materials and fibers which has been removed from the school will be transported and shipped for processing to the Netherlands. Independent Consulting Engineers (ICE) along with Royal Haskoning DHV from the Netherlands have been charged with the supervision of the asbestos removal on behalf of Government and will be overseen by the Ministry of VROMI and the Ministry of ECYS as the Principal of the project.
Once it has been established that the area has been cleared of the asbestos containing materials, only then will the existing school and it’s entire structure be demolished.
The contractor, Designer’s Choice NV who was awarded the construction of the New Prins Willem Alexander School, in the meantime will be removing small items which are asbestos free (doors, windows, toilets, face basins, fans, air conditioning units, steel grills etc..) and is in good condition for salvaging prior to demolition of the structure.
In connection with the continuance of the project, the pupils of the current Prins Willem Alexander school have been located to the Alma Fleming Educational Care Facilities in Belvedere.
Further questions about the abovementioned procedure and process can be obtained at the Ministry of VROMI, Department of New Projects by Ms. Rena Richardson, Project Manager or Mr. Kurt A. Ruan, Department head of New Projects at tel. 54-26737.

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