PHILIPSBURG:--- Honorable Minister Angel Meyers along with the Department of Infrastructure of the Ministry of VROMI assigned various companies to conduct one-timeline general cleaning of several main roads.
At present contractors are cleaning Airport Boulevard, Welfare road, Union road, A.J. Brouwers road, L.B. Scott road, Bush road and Link 1.
The Government decided to clean the roads that were in most dire need as the District Cleaning contracts haven’t been awarded yet which should be finalized within two weeks.
The completion of the District Cleaning Tender encountered a slight delay because Minister Meyers wanted to assure that the process was assessed in a transparent and fair manner which gave each bidder equal opportunity.
The Minister believes the public areas need to be kept in an acceptable condition to ensure a decent living environment for the general populous of Country Sint Maarten.
The District cleaning will include, cleaning and keeping clean of public areas in the districts such as secondary roads, tertiary roads, drives, alleys, squares, public schools, parks, beaches and cemeteries.
It also includes removing erosion materials in the districts, cutting, pruning, maintaining and collection of overgrown trees and bushes and reporting on short comings and damages pertaining the infrastructure in the districts.