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Port St. Maarten gets into the Pokemon Go Craze.

pokemongo04082016POINTE BLANCHE:--- Besides being the number one port in the Caribbean, Port St. Maarten last week Friday may have also become one of the first ports in the Caribbean to join in the Pokemon Go craze.
Last week Friday afternoon between 4.30pm and 7.00pm, local Pokemon Go enthusiasts had the opportunity to play their game as Port St. Maarten has four Pokemon stops and four Pokemon gyms – where players can train up their captured monsters for virtual fights - around the cruise facility.
Pokemon Go was released for iPhone and Android and offers single or multiplayer options. It is an augmented reality game that challenges users to find and catch Pokemon characters in their real world surroundings.
“As you move around, your smartphone will vibrate to let you know you’re near Pokemon. Once you’ve encountered a Pokemon, take aim on your smartphone’s touch screen and throw a Poke Ball to catch it. Be care when you try to catch it, or it might run away,” explains the official Pokemon website.
Due to the large interests that were shown, Port St. Maarten Management decided to also join the craze and offer St. Maarten Pokemon Go players to play at the port.
Management feels that this is a market that tourists are also interested in, especially young people. Today’s traveler is referred to as Millennials who are tech savvy, and Port St. Maarten is ready to tap into the new breed of cruisers which also includes Pokemon Go players.
Pokemon Go was first released in the US, Australia and New Zealand on 6 July and is now available in many more countries. The game has become a global phenomenon.
There were 15.3 million tweets worldwide about Pokemon Go in its first week. Niantic, a Google start-up that became independent in 2015, created Pokemon Go with the Pokemon Company, which licenses the franchise and is part owned by Nintendo.
SimilarWeb reports that players using Pokemon Go spend for an average of 43 minutes per day, and playing every day for one week would burn 1,500 calories for women or 1,800 for men.
Many companies and other entities have joined in the Pokemon Go craze and are using the phenomenon to profile their business.

National Detectives Department investigates shooting incident.

Police Officer  Gilles Ellis under investigation for violating police instructions.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The National Detectives Department (Landsrecherche) has initiated an investigation called “Blue Tang” into Saturday’s July 30 incident whereby in the area of Cole Bay a female suspect drove away with a police vehicle. In order to force the suspect to stop the vehicle, shots were fired by a police officer.

The officer G.A.G.E. (26) is suspected to have violated the police official instructions (“ambtsinstructie voor de politie”) by firing his service weapon at that moment and has been heard on Wednesday, August 3 by members of the National Detectives Department. The police vehicle and the service weapon of the police officer have been confiscated by the National Detectives Department in light of the ongoing investigation.

The Blue Tang investigation is separate from the criminal investigation against the female suspect J.J.W. (32) who drove away with the police car and is suspected of attempted manslaughter, attempted aggravated assault, theft, resisting arrest, disobeying a direct order and destruction. On Wednesday, August 3 the Judge of Instruction remanded J.J.W. to custody for eight (8) days.

General Audit Chamber presented it report on APS audit.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The General Audit Chamber presented their report relating to the audit of the 2014 Financial Statements of the General Pension Fund (hereafter: APS) to Parliament and the Minister of Finance on July 29, 2016. The General Audit Chamber issued a disclaimer of opinion regarding the true and fair representation of the financial position as of December 31, 2014, and the 2014 financial results of the APS.

The General Audit Chamber notes that the APS’s participant administration was not sufficiently reliable in 2014. A reliable participant administration should be the core of the Fund’s functioning. After all, if the participant administration is not sufficiently reliable, the recorded provision, needed to ensure that future pensions can be fully paid, is also not adequately reliable. The General Audit Chamber, therefore, recommends that the APS carry out an integral audit regarding the accuracy and completeness of the participant administration prior to December 31, 2017.

In addition, the APS’s financial claim against Government increased by a substantial amount in 2014, totaling ANG 80,8 million (at the end of 2013 the claim was ANG 68,1 million). As a result, the APS had fewer funds available in 2014 to be used for potential investment. The General Audit Chamber recommends that the APS monitor the stipulations set forth in the “Debt Payment Basic Agreement” that it negotiated with Government in February of 2016, to ensure the settlement of the outstanding claim.

In their report, the General Audit Chamber also notes that at the end of 2014, the coverage ratio of the APS reached its lowest point since the start of the Fund in 2010. The coverage ratio was 97,6% at the end of 2014, whilst the ratio was 101,4% the year before. This means that at the end of 2014, the APS was not able to fully cover their future liabilities with their existing assets. The APS is urged to develop a realistic plan aimed at achieving a healthy coverage ratio of at least 105%.
According to the General Audit Chamber’s report, the APS operated, for the most part, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. However, the report also mentions that for 2014, the APS collected a pension premium that was below the legally required rate. The APS collected a premium of 22% instead of the required 25%. As a result, until December 31, 2014, the APS failed to collect ANG 17,1 million that, potentially, could have been invested.
Finally, as part of the audit of the Financial Statements of the APS, the General Audit Chamber reviewed the Asset Liability Management study conducted in 2014 by the APS and found that the study met APS’ stated objectives. Specifically, the study provided the APS with insight as to whether the current pension scheme is still affordable and will remain affordable. However, the General Audit Chamber goes on to caution that an Asset Liability Management study cannot be used as the sole basis when making decisions about the future of the Fund.
The report is published in both English and Dutch and is available on the website of the General Audit Chamber (

Michaël Somersall, Candidate on the SMCP Slate.

michaelsomersall04082016PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Christian Party (SMCP) is pleased to announce the candidacy of Mr. Michaël Somersall on the SMCP slate for the upcoming Parliamentary elections.
Son of the soil, Michaël Somersall, husband, and father of four is the third son of Carlos Somersall and Cynthia Wrighton. He lived his early childhood years Over The Water at Fort William and moved to St. Peters at age 5 where he attended primary school until he left to continue his studies in the Netherlands. Hard work and education were instilled in all five boys by their parents. Having faith in God, respecting your elders and being kind to others are also some of the values that were taught in the home.

After working his way through college, Michaël enlisted in the army, where he went through a vigorous training to become a medic and later worked at the military blood bank in Amsterdam.

After fulfilling his duties in the army he joined an insurance firm and worked as an insurance broker for two years. He then decided to join the food service industry, where he filled top management positions for over 18 years in the Netherlands and locally. Committed to serving his country, Michaël Somersall decided to join the Hygiene Department, now the Inspectorate of Public Health, where he served as a Senior Inspector and later on became the Chief Food Safety Inspector at the Inspectorate for country St. Maarten until 2013.

As the founder and General Manager of STEFLOGIX, Environmental, and Public Safety Solutions, Michaël continues to serve the community of Sint Maarten by sharing his expertise and knowledge in his respective fields of expertise such as food safety, hygiene, and public safety.
Having a servant’s heart, Michaël’s values and principles resonate with those of the Sint Maarten Christian Party. His love for people, his passion for change and his willingness to serve to make him a valuable candidate on the SMCP slate.
Wycliffe Smith
Leader of the Sint Maarten Christian Party

Moravian Church Eastern West Indies Province Marriage & Singles Retreat: Refreshing and Transformational.

pastors04082016Simpson Bay Resort:--- Sixty-eight persons of the Moravian Church Eastern West Indies Province comprising eight single pastors, 28 couples, eight of which were both clergy couples and four pastors without their spouses convened at the Simpson Bay Resort from Friday, July 29th to Monday, August first for their first marriage enrichment and singles retreat. The marriage enrichment and singles empowerment sessions of the retreat were facilitated by local therapists, and relationship specialists, Roy Cotton Jr. and his wife Dr. Erna Mae Francis-Cotton.
This past weekend retreat was a significant and necessary time for these mighty men and women of the cloth and their spouses to retreat so that they may recharge physically, emotionally, spiritually and relationally. The need for the retreat was underscored by a powerful and challenging sermon preached by Bishop of the Eastern West Indies Province Dr. Kingsley Lewis on Sunday, July 31st at the Moravian Church here on St. Maarten.
Rev. Dr. Cortroy Jarvis, Chairman of the Provincial Elders Conference of the Moravian Church, Eastern West Indies Province, requested the services of Dr. Erna Mae Francis-Cotton through the recommendation of Rev. Neilson Waithe founder of Network Services Center in Barbados, a non-profit organisation, committed to the provision of competent, professional counselling and human resource services to businesses, schools, families and individuals.
Francis-Cotton, marriage and family therapist and visionary of Victorious Living Foundation, is a member of this prestigious network and provides counselling services to local banks, and other organizations affiliated with Network Services Center. Roy Cotton Jr., personal and professional growth and leadership coach and host of the popular radio program Love and Inspiration conducts pre-marital and marriage counselling with Francis-Cotton. They, therefore, tag teamed to facilitate the Moravian Church’s marriage and singles retreat.
The feedback from the majority of the participants underscores the tremendous value that they received from this transformational, enriching experience. The majority of participants stated that the sessions were of high quality and exceeded their expectations. Most couples were also able to receive a clear picture of the areas they needed to work on to improve their marriages and were equipped with the tools to do so.
The couples were taught the significance of affair proofing their marriages by cherishing and honouring each other using research-based nuggets to empower the pastors and their spouses. Singles were also provided with emotional support and tools to work through the challenges faced in their personal and professional lives. In summary, Rev. Dr. Cicely Athill Horsford stated of the sessions: “Highly recommended. It was refreshing. I will do this again.” Persons interested in couples counseling or retreats may contact Victorious Living at 1-721-524-8731.

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